This miniature ladder replicates the form of full-size granary ladder, however, unlike its larger, practical counterparts, this diminutive version served a spiritual purpose.
Stored inside dwellings, miniature ladders such as this are placed alongside small bowls, iron hooks, figurines, bracelets and wooden 'domino' staffs on Dogon binu shrines and also the sleeping houses. Specifically their spiritual purpose was to facilitate the upward and downward flow of the ancestors coming to inform dreams.
This is not too dissimilar to the use of headrests in other sub-Saharan cultures which in themselves were used to connect with the ancestors during dreams.
Estimated Period: Early 20th Century
Ex Clive Loveless, London
H (Incl. Stand): 36cm
H (Excl. Stand): 34.5cm
W (Incl. Stand): 6cm
W (Excl. Stand): 7cm
(Click on images to enlarge)